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Showing posts with label and Ad Posting for SEO cum Web Master?. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Importance of blog link submission, url submission, and Ad Posting for SEO cum Web Master?

Blog submission, url submission and ad posting are some of the popular web marketing tips. Anything in today's throat cut competitive market requires marketing, a need to reach the consumers.
At any cost the seller is ready to reach the consumers, still money plays a big role no matter the mention of 'at any cost'. The easiest and cheapest way to advertise your blogs and websites is url or blog link submission on numerous websites available on the internet.

These sites specifically include the highest visiting social networking sites, search engines and other high traffic websites. This is simply promotion of products or services over the Internet.
It will benefit the blog owners and website owners in the sense of popularity and faith of readers which in turn induces high traffic on their websites and blogs.
This high traffic is converted into revenue , the more people visit their blogs or websites the more revenue will be generated.

This is the basic concept behind posting ads, blog link submission and url submission for a SEO cum webmaster. Now lets have a look at the advantages of these marketing techniques individually.

Advantages of ad posting:

 For example for the business online or traditional brick and mortar store, online ads are the best option that is not only convenient but requires paying nothing at all.

At the online ads, there are many categories to choose from and you can select the appropriate directory for you business product or services. You can not only post your own ad but view other postings as well. From profit to nonprofit, real estate to marketing and Government to management all kinds of categories are there. Unlike the periodical ads, the online ads are not charged per line or letter and size. In fact, the website business owner can use any size or any number of words to create an impressive online ads posting.

Benefits of Blog link submission:

There are innumerable benefits of blog submissions. A webmaster's blog is particularly admired if he/she update it on a regular basis, thereby attracting more visitors and increasing the incoming traffic and generate revenue for his business.

It is because of blog submission, that the website can be found on the Internet quickly and would radically increase the inflow of traffic on your website. It’s an effective tool of online marketing which if employed carefully  can do wonders of a website and eventually business.

Benefits of URL submission:
One of the best effective website marketing strategies is the process called Url submission. It is a tailored process in which you have to submit the Url of your website to a number of links available on the web. Here are some of its benefits:
Url submission can help to acquire back links to website and it is also a key method for achieving high page rank.
will be able to improve the ranking of a website on major search engines thereby allowing  to receive more visitors.
Though url submission is a time consuming job however it is very effective when it comes to expansion of the popularity of  website.
Today, there are over hundreds of online directories available on the Internet and you can submit your website Url on these directories. Moreover, there are many directories who offer free listing. If one have a new website then by submitting the Url of the website one can have it listed quickly in various search engine results.

Why SEO cum Web Master should be smarter than a Software Engineer?

The very first obvious answer to this question is because a webmaster holds more responsibilities than a software engineer. Here are highlights of the responsibilities of a webmaster to make the answer clear:

ensuring that the web servers, hardware and software are operating correctly
designing the website
generating and revising web pages
replying to user comments
examining traffic through the site.
So you can see the duties of a webmaster and how he/she have to manage across the designing as well as marketing of the site.
These points are suffice to conclude that a webmaster need to be smarter than a software engineer as he/she have to travel through a wider horizon of knowledge as well as practical implementation of that knowledge , that only a webmaster can have.

This broader definition of webmaster covers not only technical aspects of overseeing website construction and maintenance, but also managing website content, advertising, marketing, and order fulfillment.
Core responsibilities of the webmaster may include the regulation and management of access rights of different users of a website, the appearance and setting up website navigation. Content placement can be part of a webmaster's numerous duties, though content creation may not be.

Some webmasters of larger sites may also deal with heavy volumes of email, which are often questions related to the content on the website or general computer-related inquiries.
Whereas a software engineer is an engineer who applies the principles of engineering to the design, development, maintaining, testing, and evaluation of the software and systems that make computers or anything containing software work as per the wikipedia definition.
Please note the last line of the definition which says that a SE makes a computer or anything containing software work. So what about the parts not related to computer?? Anyone can probably wonder this. Here is the answer- a webmaster handles rest of the part.

Why Google , Yahoo, Microsoft like only those Web Masters, whose Website and Blogs have huge number of visitors?

The straight-forward answer here lies in the blog title Why all Search Engines do not prefer to work with less Traffic generated Website and Blog? itself.

Webmasters whose blogs and websites have huge number of visitors will substantially carry huge traffic with them. With this huge blog traffic, very soon, that blog will come out of the Google sandbox and  will receive serious traffic, and even loyal readerships.

This in turn will increase the search engines clicks and in turn the people searching for there stuff start holding a feeling of reliability towards the search engine.
For example a person googling a topic on how to bake cake can best trust the search engine if he/she gets satisfied with in the first page of the displayed results.
The same technicality lying here is the 'brand name' or say 'popularity' of the search engine.
The search engines do not rather want to carry bad names on themselves for displaying the blogs and websites which diverse the search results.

Due to the high marketing value of targeted search results, there is potential for an adversarial relationship between search engines and Webmasters.

Why all Search Engines do not prefer to work with less Traffic generated Website and Blog?

The majority of web traffic is driven by the major commercial search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. Google attracts approximately 60% of worldwide searches at 37 billion, with Yahoo (8.5 billion) and Microsoft (2.2 billion) (numbers taken from website). A number of country-specific search engine companies have also become prominent in their own territories; for example Baidu in China, Guruji in India, Yandex in Russia.

High placements invariably lead to sites receiving an increase in traffic. 78% of users abandoning their search if the first 3 pages don't provide an answer to their question high search engine placements are essential. 28% don't even consider scrolling past the 2nd page of results.

This is the reason why search engines prefer high traffic websites because favouring less traffic websites will in turn result in abandoning the search from that particular search engine and thus decreases the popularity of the search engine. Those 78% of users will not bother to visit the same search engine again because they knew the results of their earlier search. No search engine can carry this bad name with itself that is why high traffic websites are given top most priority.

Just think it on your own - when you search for the 'best ways to convert a PSD file to HTML' will you bother to look for the thousands of search results shown by the engine. NO . This would be your obvious answer. and the websites shown on the first three pages are the highest traffic caring websites indexed by the search engines.

  High traffic can be converted to revenue through sales, advertising revenue, referrals, votes or whatever call to action is invoked on landing pages. Smart, professional Search Engine Optimisation yielding high organic returns (70% of search engine users prefer organic search returns to sponsored links or PPC) can deliver extremely powerful results.

How an Smart Web Master can take advantage of Global recession?

Recession is caused when consumers do not spend money hence become savers to cut company costs.
It is the time period of great suffering for employees of every company. The workforce which get severely affect are software engineers, labours and every other employer related with Information technology.

On the contrary this the period where webmasters can take advantage to the most.
To whatever level the recession has reached people will not stop surfing the internet, there still will be huge surfing and clicking of the websites addresses as well as google ads.
Here comes the concept of SEO, which apart from being in the mid of marketing, benefits alot to the webmasters. This is because of the reason a webmaster know the technique and idea behind pay-per-click and also they are aware of every concept about marketing strategy.
Whether you're the webmaster of a site with a moderated blog, forum or discussion lists you're always able to keep your work on track even if the recession monster is haunting the world.

In simple words lets say that a web master is a masterblaster or you can say he/she is a multi talented personality having sound knowledge of HTML,CSS and other web technologies as well well equipped with the knowledge of how to sell your product in market that's what people in industry call it MARKETING.
Even if the recession monster haunts, a webmaster can challenge it with full zeal.Let's take an example:
Suppose that a industry runs a business of hardware selling. During recession there may be a situation where the demand of people decrease but the marketing of the products need to be done. Here the webmaster take the advantage, because he is the one dealing with real marketing world and knows the strategy of how to indulge the customers atleast on to reading there marketing banners, blogs, emails related to the product.

What is viral marketing

Viral marketing is an idea that spreads--and an idea that while it is spreading actually helps market your business or cause.
Two kinds of viral marketing: The original classic sort in which the marketing isthe product and which a self-amplifying cycle occurs. Hotmail, for example, or YouTube. The more people use them, the more people see them. The more people see them, the more people use them. The product or service must be something that improves once more people use it.
A second kind has evolved over the last few years, and that's a marketing campaign that spreads but isn't the product itself.
Shepard Fairey's poster of Barack Obama was everywhere, because people chose to spread it. It was viral (it spread) and it was marketing (because it made an argument--a visual one--for a candidate.)
Something being viral is not, in an of itself, viral marketing. Who cares that 32,000,000 people saw your stupid video? It didn't market you or your business in a tangible, useful way.
Marketers are obsessed with free media, and, as is often the case, we blow it in our rush to get our share. We create content that is hampered or selfish or boring. Or we create something completely viral that doesn't do any marketing at all.
Here's how a book can itself become an example of viral marketing:
1. I posted the PDF of a book for free. Three thousand people downloaded it on day one.
2. The file is small enough to email to your friends. I encouraged people to do just that.
3. Some people mailed it to fifty or a hundred people. It spread.
4. That's just viral.
The critical element of viral marketing is this: it's built in. It was built into Hotmail and built into YouTube. The more people used the camera on their cell phones, the more the idea spread, the more people wanted a camera.
If you want to do viral marketing, you can try to come up with a viral ad, but you'll probably fail. You're better off building the viral right into the product, creating a product that spreads because you designed it that way.
Viral marketing only works well when you plan for it, when you build it in, when you organize your offering to be spreadable, interesting and to work better for everyone involved when it spreads. If I don't benefit from spreading it, why should I spread it? I won't. If you don't benefit from your users spreading the idea, it might spread, but it won't help you much. So both elements have to be present.
The reason for this post is that viral marketing is getting a bad name, largely from clueless marketing agencies and clueless marketers. Here's what they do: they get a lame product, or a semi-lame product, and they don't have enough time or money to run a nationwide ad campaign. So, instead, they slap some goofy viral thing on top of it and wait for it to spread. And if it doesn't spread, they create a faux controversy or engage a PR firm or some bloggers and then it still doesn't work.
Being viral isn't the hard part. The hard part is making that viral element actually produce something of value, not just entertainment for the client or your boss.

What is social networking

Social Networking. . . It's the way the 21st century communicates today. Want to know what it really means?
Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision, if you will.  Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online.

This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people, to gather and share first-hand information and experiences about cooking, golfing, gardening, developing friendships professional alliances, finding employment, business-to-business marketing. The topics and interests are as varied and rich as the story of our universe.

When it comes to online social networking, websites are commonly used. These websites are known as social sites. Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users. Depending on the website in question, many of these online community members share common interests in hobbies, religion, politics and alternative lifestyles. Once you are granted access to a social networking website you can begin to socialize. This socialization may include reading the profile pages of other members and possibly even contacting them.

Social Networking has become very popular during the past few years, but it can still be very difficult to understand for someone new to social networking. The open-ended nature of social networks add to this.
 Once signed onto a social network, having answered a few basic profile questions, it is easy to sit back and wonder what you are supposed to do next.
The easiest way to understand social networking is to think of it like high school. You had friends in school, and you knew quite a few people even if you weren't friends with all of them, but it's likely that you didn't know everyone.

If you ever moved to a new school -- or if you can imagine moving to a new school -- you start out with no friends. After attending classes, you start meeting people, and as you meet them, you begin associating with those that have similar interests.
Getting started with social networking is much the same as starting at a new school. At first, you don't have any friends. But as you join groups, you begin to meet people, and you build a friends list of those with similar interests.
Social Networking Architecture:
Social networking is based on a certain structure that allow people to both express their individuality and meet people with similar interests. This structure includes having profiles, friends, blog posts, widgets, and usually something unique to that particular social networking website -- such as the ability to 'poke' people on Facebookor high-five someone on Hi5.

Profile. -

This is where you tell the world about yourself. Profiles contain basic information, like where you live and how old you are, and personality questions, like who's your favorite actor and what's your favorite book. Social networks dedicated to a special theme like music or movies might ask questions related to that theme.

Friends. -

Friends are trusted members of the site that are allowed to post comments on your profile or send you private messages. You can also keep tabs on how your friends are using social networking, such as when they post a new picture or update their profile. Friends are the heart and soul of social networking. It should be noted that not all social networks refer to them as 'friends' -- LinkedIn refers to them as 'connections -- but all social networks have a way to designate members as trusted.


Most social networks use groups to help you find people with similar interests or engage in discussions on certain topics. A group can be anything from "Johnson High Class of '98" to "People Who Like Books" to "Doors Fans". They are both a way to connect with like-minded people and a way to identify your interests. Sometimes, groups are called by other names, such as the 'networks' on Facebook.


A primary focus of groups is to create interaction between users in the form of discussions. Most social networking websites support discussion boards for the groups, and many also allow members of the group to post pictures, music, video clips, and other tidbits related to the group.


Another feature of some social networks is the ability to create your own blog entries. While not as feature-rich as blog hosts likeWordpress or Blogger, blogging through a social network is perfect for keeping people informed on what you are up to.


A popular way of letting your personality shine through is by gracing your social networking profile with web widgets. Many social networks allow a variety of widgets, and you can usually find interesting widgets located on widget galleries.
Why Start Social Networking?
Social Networking is a nice form of entertainment, great for meeting people with similar interests, and can be a very effective business technique for entrepreneurs, writers, actors, musicians or artists.
Most of us have hobbies, or things that we are keenly interested in such as books, television, video games or movies. Social networks allow us to reach out to others that have the same interests.
For example, if you like movies, Flixster can help you decide if you might like a new movie just out at the theaters. If you like music, Last.FM can help you find new artists that are similar to your favorite bands.
Am I Too Old To Start Social Networking?
You are never too old to get involved in social networking! There are plenty of social networks to choose from including niche social networks that focus on a specific theme like TakePart, a network for social activism, and 43 Things, a social network dedicated to goal setting.