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Showing posts with label Why SEO cum Web Master should be smarter than a Software Engineer. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Why SEO cum Web Master should be smarter than a Software Engineer?

1.Web Master is also known as website administrator,its main focus is to
1.maintain website,
2.web servers
3.Operation hardware and software,
4. Most importantly check traffic though  the website.
Basically web master put there mind in designing as well as marketing of the particular website..
so that user or customer able to get information about our website.
So it is necessary that Web master should smarter than a s/w engineer because s/w engineer put
the main duties of a software engineer involve programming computers i.e .to implement practically
where as webmaster promote the website ,increase the traffic so that our website shiuld recongise by the user
and work of s/w engineer get webmaster should be smarter.

Q2. What is Importance of blog link submission, url submission, and Ad Posting for SEO cum Web Master?
Ans2.Blog link submission url submission, and Ad Posting  are  helpful in getting backlinks and traffic.
It is one of the most prominent ways to improve SEO for your blog or website.The following technique
will be helpful in following ways they are as follows:-
1. Helpful in monitor and refine your search engine marketing performance.
2.Increase the value of your web properties.
3.Contributing to a sustainable advantage for particular business .
4.Promotion of website.
5.Blog link submission:It’s an adequate tool of online marketing which  website can be found on the Internet
quickly and would radically increase the inflow of traffic on your website.
6.Url submission:It's Submit the Url of your website to a number of links available on the web. So as to
help to acquire back links to website and it is also a key method for achieving high page rank.
7.Ad posting:the website business owner can use any size or any number of words to create an
impressive online ads posting.

Q3.Why Google , Yahoo, Microsoft like only those Web Masters, whose Website and Blogs have huge number of visitors?

Ans 3.Webmasters whose blogs and websites have huge number of visitors will substantially carry huge traffic with them.
With this huge blog traffic, very soon, that blog will come out of the top and  will receive better traffic and more user who can read the blog or website.
This in turn will increase the search engines clicks and increase in reliability,usability towards the  particular search engine.
For example :a user search on google a topic on how to download movies ? and if user satisifed with result then 'popularity' of the search engine increase.
The search engines do not  want to carry worst names  for showing results for the blogs Due to the high marketing value of targeted search results,
there is potential for an adversarial relationship between search engines and Webmasters.thats why.

Q4.Why all Search Engines do not prefer to work with less Traffic generated Website and Blog?
Ans4.The majority of web traffic is driven by the major commercial search engines such as Google, Yahoo ,Bing and MSN.
Google attracts approximately 60% of worldwide searches at 37 billion, with Yahoo (8.5 billion) and Microsoft (2.2 billion)
88% of users disregard  their search if the first 3 pages don't provide an answer to their question
This is the reason why search engines prefer high traffic websites because favouring less traffic websites will in turn result
in disregard the search from that particular search engine and thus decreases the popularity of the search engine.
No search engine can't tolerate with itself that is why high traffic websites are given top most priority.

just take an example when you search best movies of bollywood in 2011 then will you  to look for the thousands
of search results shown by the engine.   But obvious answer is NO because each don't have a so much time to check all results
usually u jst check 3 or 4 pages which have a high trafficing.

Q5.How an Smart Web Master can take advantage of Global  recession?
First of all what is Global  recession?A global recession is a period of global economic slowdown.Every coin has 2 faces
the one face is that:-  when consumers do not spend money hence become savers to cut company costs.
It is the time period of great suffering for employees of every company. The workforce which get severely affect are
software engineers, labours and every other employer related with Information technology.
where as other face is webmaster who takes the advantage of recession because what will be economic condition
people dnt stop surfing the internet there still will be huge surfing and clicking of the websites addresses as well as google ads
This is because of the reason a webmaster know the technique and idea behind pay-per-click and also they are aware of every
concept about marketing that there website is available on the top and get money for each click.
for example:
Suppose that a industry runs a business of software selling.  There may be a situation where the demand
of people decrease but the marketing of the products need to be done. Here the webmaster take the advantage, because he
is the one dealing with real marketing world and knows the strategy of how to indulge the customers by ad posting,email,
social media.