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Showing posts with label When the Cat is Away. Show all posts

Friday, 14 February 2014

When the Cat is Away, the Mice Play the Games :-)

When the Cat is Away, the Mice Play the Games :-)

As CEO of AeroSoft Corp I learnt a lot many Lessions from my Team. Most of tham work

only for Money Not for Job Satisfaction or New Learning. The Worst Part is No Loyalty

Left rather if they get a Simple Chance to Put you into trouble They would love to do

so. Even The Drivers and Maids are the Same. You Only needs to be strong Enough to Manage the Situation. Its become competition among all Team members who can do maximum Irregularty.

See below story here.

This Middle-Aged Lady, Ms. Miranda, was employed in a Corporate company's Seattle office

and was employed there for last 3 years. She was in the middle-management cadre, was

married and had an 8-years old daughter. She was good in work and nobody had any

complaints. But the problem started 4 months back when the bosses found out that she was

not able to complete her work on time even though she remained in the office full-time

and hardly took leaves.

When investigating a little, they came to know that when the lady was in her cabin, away

from the rest of the staff, she used to spend most-of-her time either talking on phone

or chatting on internet. May be she got comfortable in the fact that given her past

performance, her job is secured & may be she can hang out a bit when noone is watching.

Nobody would have had any problem with her this behaviour, had her work did not get

affected by this. The bosses waited for few more months and even couselled her but to no

effect. When the situation did not seem to improve, they had to fire her.

Ms. Miranda's case is not alone. There are many like her all around the world who just

want to take wrong advantage of the good situation they are in.

Another example is children inviting their friends' over or going out for party, when

their parents are not around.

So, basically when the person in authority is away, those under the person's rule enjoy

their freedom.

While enjoying one's freedom is not wrong, but one must respect the boundaries one is

expected to be in. If you are at your place of work, try to keep most of your personal

stuff to the minimum. These days it is a common practice of workers spending long time

on Facebook and other social networking sites during  working hours. Though little

relaxation is good but for some, it is a whole day process which happens at the expense

of work.

I have even seen a set of team members shockingly with their immediate boss engaging in

an online team game, where all used to sit in their respective places & cabins but were

connected through the game. All this when the owner of the company is sitting in his

cabin thinking that the team is working. As-soon-as the owner used to go out of the

office for some meeting, these team members used to gang up in one place & chit chat and

gossip for hours, maligning the atmosphere of the whole office.

Such kind of behaviour is totally an unaccepted one and I don't think bosses are in the

wrong when they punish the employee who comes to the office for fun and not work.

Similarly, children who don't listen to their parents and do things which they should

not, run the risk of getting caught in unpleasant situations.

It is very important for everyone of us to know what is right at what time. We must

accept the position of authority and must not do anything which brings them to a loss or

bad face.

Had Ms. Miranda known this, she would not have been Jobless now !!!

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