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Showing posts with label United Airlines Stewardess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United Airlines Stewardess. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 July 2012

United Airlines Opens to Pilot Applications

United Airlines began accepting applications for around 100 new pilot positions to fly their commercial planes across the country.
This has been the first time in six years (since 2001) that United Airlines has opened its doors to new pilots and new ranks amongst some of their best fliers.

The company hopes that the hiring move will strengthen its business and expand their international coverage all over the world. With issues in the past, United Airlines believes this will boost the company tremendously.

Surprisingly, there is no line to United Airlines' application office. In fact, the entire application process will be online at

"When I heard that United Airlines was hiring, I could not wait to apply. I've always loved flying planes but never found the opportunity to work for a commercial company. I plan on applying tonight, but I know it's going to be tough being accepted. There are so many great pilots out there who would love to fly for a company like this. It would still be an amazing opportunity," said amateur pilot and Chicago resident Dan Schmidt.

However, becoming a pilot is more than just applying. United has also put forth its six-week training that captains and first officer candidates have to go through. In this training, pilots-to-be will have to learn how to work with a crew while also managing the plane. The company says this is the most vital training and must be perfected before any pilot actually gets to fly a plane for United Airlines. These wannabe-pilots will have to master the same skills as drawn out by the Federal Aviation Administration.

United expects tons of applications since it opened the site today. Once a will-be pilot is selected by United Airlines, they will have to complete the training at the company's state-of-the-art Flight Training Center located in Denver. The program will start as early as October. United Airlines hopes new pilots will be in the air by the end of the year.

On the United Airlines application site, the company has listed the minimum requirements for men and women to apply:

-1500 hours Total Time - Fixed Wing.
-1000 hours Multi-engine time (PIC) or Military fighter/trainer (PIC).
-500 hours Turbine Time.
-100 hours flown in the past year (Recency of experience).
-Current FCC license.
-Current valid passport.
-Current First Class Medical.
-Current ATP Certificate with Multi-engine land rating (AMEL).
-High school diploma or GED equivalent.
-Legal right to work in the United States.
-A college degree from an accredited school is preferred

Happy Landings ..........

Capt Shekhar Gupta
AeroSoft Corp
W :

Delta United
United Airlines Pilot Hiring