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Showing posts with label Sukriti Dilwaria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sukriti Dilwaria. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Sukriti Dilwaria

Sukriti Dilwaria hails from Delhi but carries a part of every city she has been to due to her father's  frequent transfers. She has completed her schooling from Army Public School franchise in almost seven different  cities of India. She is currently  based in Jaipur pursuing a bachelor's course in Psychology (Hons.) from Manipal   University. 
 Her interest in psychology grew after she had the opportunity to learn about the subject through an in-school workshop. She has recently conducted a research paper in the field of psychology and aspires to continue growing in the field. Sukriti aspires to pursue a career in clinical psychology and is also willing to appear for civil services examination. She is proficient in English and managing social media accounts. She has strong managerial, organisational and technical skills.
Her love for helping people shows through her active participation in an NGO called Gramiksha. She is fond of dogs and is also a big-time foodie. When she is not busy reading about psychology, she enjoys reading novels, playing badminton, watching classic cinema and travelling.