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Showing posts with label Organizational Culture and it's impact on employees. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Organizational Culture and it's impact on employees

HR has a vital role in perpetuating a strong culture, starting with recruiting and selecting applicants who will share the organization's beliefs and thrive in that culture. HR also develops orientation, training and performance management programs that outline and reinforce the organization's core values and ensures that appropriate rewards and recognition go to employees who truly embody the values.
In practice, people understand that organizational culture has a significant impact on an organization, management and future of the business.
According to research, the culture of an organization affects behavior in the following ways:
 1. Culture guides employees: 
Organizational cultures not only affect long term objectives but also target the organizational objectives as individual goals. The employees feel like a part of the organization. The goals set by the company allow its members to feel the value of work and inspire the desire of succeeding.
 2. Culture restraints people’s behavior: 
Culture constraints and sets standards for member’s behavior. Although an organization sets overall rules, it becomes difficult to regulate the behavior of individual employees.
 3. Brings cohesion: Certain aspects of the organizational culture become like social glue within the organization. It’s the small things that bring people of different departments of one company together. For example, having traditions like social gathering, having a uniform. Materialistic artifacts can too aid in getting employees together. Through this cohesion, employees generate a sense of loyalty to the enterprise.
 4.      Impact on Incentives:  
Some organizations have an effect that enables employees to generate a forehand emotionally. Some organizations have a culture that is rugged or that has become stagnant. Promoting an enterprise culture helps employees look for motivation to work and establish social behavior.
 5. Eliminates Boundaries: Culture is the only thing in an organization that eliminates hierarchal boundaries between employees and managers. Culture removes the concept of superior and inferior, this helps employees be closer to their managers. It helps if organizations have the same culture of employees and managers. For example, social gatherings should treat all employees fairly. The managers should not be given special treatment in these scenarios. If all employees have to wear a t-shirt for an event, there should be uniformity for all. This will help managers stay humble and will make employees feel like they can trust the organization.
 6. Radiation:
 The culture of each organization is exclusive. However, the culture not only reflects inside the organization, but also has an impact on society, but also has an impact on the external society in different ways. Externals see the culture of an organization through symbols, advertising, products, public relations and services. There are many channels to radiate this to society. Media plays the best role in communicating these messages to the external public. This is a good promotion of the organization, product as well as future aspirants who want to work in the organization.
 7. Leadership:
 A leader’s success depends on factors, for instance, it depends on his knowledge and understanding of the organizational culture. The leader who understands and accepts this culture is capable of thinking long term and predicting the outcomes of his decisions.  Since most human behavior is learnt through modeling and imitation, therefore to get employees to believe in the culture, the managers have to practice the same first.
Once a culture is established and accepted, it becomes a strong leadership tool.

Kassandra Dias
HR Manager
Aircrews Aviation Pvt Limited
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