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Showing posts with label Manipal India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manipal India. Show all posts

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Commanders –CRJ Aircraft Commanders- ATR Aircraft


To meet the existing and future requirement, AASL invites applications to form panel from eligible Indian Nationals for the following positions on Fixed Term Engagement basis.

I. Commanders –CRJ Aircraft


o Minimum 100 hours PIC on CRJ Type Aircraft

Co-Pilot having flying experience of 500 hours on CRJ type Aircraft with ATPL
o Should have current Indian ATPL / FRTO / RTR / IR and a current Class I Medical on the date of reckoning of eligibility.

2 Commanders- ATR Aircraft


o Minimum 100 hours PIC on ATR  type of Aircraft


o Co-Pilot having flying experience of 500 hours on ATR  type of Aircraft with ATPL

o Should have current Indian ATPL / FRTO / RTR / IR and a current Class I Medical on the date of reckoning of eligibility.

Upper Age Limit

o 50 years.  Due weightage will be given to SC / ST and OBC candidates in the interview/selection process.

General Conditions

After verification of all necessary documents the applicants will be provisionally considered eligible to undergo the selection process.

Candidates serving in Government / Semi Government / Public Sector undertaking should apply through Proper Channel.

Candidates belonging to ST/SC categories will be entitled to second class return Rail/Bus fare at time of Interview as per rules.

Due weightage will be given to SC/ST/OBC candidates as per laid down guidelines on reservation.

Selected candidates will be engaged on A Fixed Term Engagement Agreement basis for a period of (05) Five years.

Management reserves the right to change the conditions and criteria depending upon the requirements.

Canvassing in any form will be considered as disqualification.

Please note that offer of engagement is at the sole discretion of the management.  Fulfilling eligibility criteria and successfully appearing in selection process cannot be taken as assurance of engagement.

All positions are transferable as per Company’s requirement and you are liable to be positioned at any place in India or abroad.

Please attach a Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) in favour of “Airline Allied Services Limited” payable at New Delhi.  (Not applicable in case of SC / ST / Ex-Servicemen)


Besides attractive emoluments and perks, post carries benefits of contributory Provident Fund, Gratuity, Free / Concessional air passages etc. as per Company policy.

Important Dates:

Last Date of Receipt of Applications and Date of Reckoning Eligibility  

How to Apply: Prescribed Format – Should be typed and signed

Candidates fulfilling the above requirements on the prescribed dates as above may send their typed and signed application in the prescribed format (attached) for each position separately giving therein full details including validity of their licences/ rating etc. alongwith attested copies of their certificates, licences, log books and four recent passport size photographs.

Happy Landings ..........

Capt Shekhar Gupta
AeroSoft Corp
W :

Aviation as Career
Professional Course

Manipal India
MSN Education
Career in Mechanical Engineer