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Showing posts with label How to stay Optimistic during this Lockdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to stay Optimistic during this Lockdown. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

How to stay Optimistic during this Lockdown

How to stay Optimistic during this Lockdown

Since the last 3 months we all have been locked away at our respective homes for prevention of the spread of Coronavirus. It may have been a dream come true for some of us- stay at home, sleep, eat and work in peace with little to no human interaction. But this lockdown has been tough on some people trapped in their homes.

Panicking about Covid-19, the falling economy, the migrants losing their source of income, poor having no roofs to stay under, all of these news have been stress-inducing and making us worry about the future. With influencers talking about how to stay productive at home, we might even start worrying if we are productive enough. 

It becomes very important that we take good care of our mental health and stay optimistic.

Here are a few tips to stay optimistic during the lockdown. 

 1) Limit your intake 

Intake maybe the news you watch, the information you try to grasp while being productive, the work you do. It's necessary to keep up with the happenings in the world. But sometimes you can just pamper yourselves. Turn off the news, cook your favourite food and enjoy with your family. This can definitely help you unwind. Keep your FOMO aside. Don't worry you are not missing out a lot. 

 2) Know your strengths 

Knowing your strengths becomes very important when dealing with such an unprecedented scenario. For example: If you are an anxious person but are very good at helping others, you can simply shift your focus on helping others out. This will divert your mind to things you like doing and are your strengths. 

3) Laughter is the best medicine-

Nothing beats that satisfaction after a good laugh with your family or your friends. Hang out with your family, play board games, watch comedy movies, cook together. Such fun can never be replaced with any other medicine. You will definitely feel lighter and happy after a group video call with you friends

 4)Devote time to hobbies 

Practice your hobbies. Take out that guitar, paint, dance, cook, do whatever you love doing. Do whatever you did not have time for in your hectic work schedule. 

 5) Try new things 

We are blessed with access to the internet, we can access any information we like on the internet. There are a lot of free sources to learn new and amazing things we can learn. Tutorials, blogs, youtube videos with a forum where you can ask your queries. It couldn’t be any more easy to learn new things.

 6) Random acts of kindness 

Kindness is the strongest weapon we can possess in such a time. We never know who may need it. There are so many people facing unimaginable crises in the world. We can all do our bits in donating and helping out. It will be a great feeling knowing that you have helped out someone somewhere in the world

 7) Take a daily inventory 

Last but not the least, take a daily inventory of things that have happened throughout the day. You can maintain a diary or note down in your phone the important things everyday. This will help reflect on your tasks and prepare you better for tomorrow. Afterall, deal with days as they come, one day at a time. 

Janhavi Sawant
HR Manager
Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd
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