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Showing posts with label How to Write a Blog Post - For Beginners. Show all posts

Saturday, 23 May 2020

How to Write a Blog Post - For Beginners

How to Write a Blog Post - For Beginners
Starting a Travel Blog without knowing how to is like, Traveling to an unknown destination without a GPS. There is no guaranty that you might end up at the right place.
The first thing you should know is the Purpose behind starting a Blog. Is it just for passion? Is it because you like to Travel? Or is it because you want to make a career in Travel Blogging? Once you find an answer, it will be easy for you to begin.
If you are really passionate about Travel Blogging and if you are looking forward to invest your time then, you must know everything about how to write a perfect Travel Blog. There are certain elements of writing a Blog post which we are going to learn today.
1. Having a Purpose
I've mentioned this earlier as well, having a purpose is really really important. You must know why you are writing a Blog. Your Blog should be useful for someone. It should either solve someone's problem or provide a solution.
For example. If you are writing a Blog on an XYZ destination, your Blog should speak about the best hotels to stay, best restaurants to dine at, the cost of the hotel, how to Travel within the city, how much is the taxi fare from A to B and more.
If your Travel Blog provides answers to such questions that every Travelers seek, they will love reading your Blogs. This is a perfect way to build an audience.
2. Finding your niche
Finding a niche is another important element of writing a Blog. Niche is nothing but a subject in layman's language. You need to know which niche interests you. Writing a Blog on anything or everything won't make sense to be honest. Your visitors may not like it and might not read your Blogs.
Examples of a Travel niche - Adventurous Travel, Backpacking, Leisure Travel, Treks and Camping or Travel on budget.
Another important thing to know - your Blog name should be based upon your niche. You cannot stay in a 5-Star hotel if your niche is Travel on a budget. Similarly, you cannot write about adventurous activities if you have chosen to speak on leisure Travel.
3. Heading, Introduction & Conclusion
Heading - Always begin your Blog post with an attractive heading. It is pretty obvious that viewers will take a min to visit your Blog only if they find the title to be attractive. The best thing to do is keep the Blog title in a questionnaire format. For example, how, what, which or when. This is an absolute amazing way of attracting viewers.
Introduction - Your Blog should begin with an introduction. An introduction is basically a way to tell your viewers what you will be speaking about. The introductory line should be attractive and should create curiosity for the viewers. This can be a reason for your viewers to read the entire Blog post.
Conclusion - Don't forget to end your Blog with a conclusion. This will add weight-age to your Blog. The conclusion allows you to have a final say on your thoughts allowing the viewers to understand what your Blog post was about. Your conclusion should make your viewers happy about reading your Blog post. This should be something that they can be motivated or inspired upon.
4. Outline your content
This is another important element of writing a
Blog post. Your Blog should not look like an essay. Break your content into paragraphs of 2 - 3 liners. Make sure to add bullet points with a heading of what that particular paragraph is about. This will help your viewer to easily understand what you wish to say.
Write as if you are speaking to your viewers. You Blog post should be very natural. This will let you connect with your viewers. Don't write in a very professional way unless your niche says so. Do not follow the concept of writing an article which we learned back in school. Honestly, nobody will enjoy reading such a professional type of Blog post.
5. Proof-Read
Before you publish your Blog, make sure you read it aloud. If you feel the words are too choky, rephrase it. Do not directly type on the website, use either Notepad of Word and once you are ready with your content, copy-paste it on the website and give it a final touch.
Make sure to highlight the headings and the sub-headings. Add bullet points wherever required. Keep the paragraphs short up to 3 or maximum 4 lines each. Try to use simple and short words so that your viewers aren't bored while reading.
My personal recommendation is to use Grammarly. It is an amazing software that will capture all the mistakes which even we might fail to notice.
6. Visual content
The most important element out of all is having a visual content on your Blog post. If you remember, as kids we enjoyed reading books which had alot of pictures in it. Similarly, having pictures on your Blog post will make it interesting for your viewers to read. This will also add a personal touch.
I hope you found these tips useful and if you have any questions on how to write a perfect Blog post, I will be happy to answer them for you.
One last thing - reading articles on, how to write a Blog, how to be a Travel Blogger or how to earn money by Blogging won't be sufficient enough. The first step you need to take is - Start your own Blog.
We didn't get to learn everything when we were in our mother's womb. We learnt everything practically. The moment you start writing a Blog, you will realize what you should do to improve your content and you will learn everything eventually.
If you wish to learn more about Travel Blogging, we do offer online courses. If you are interested, don't forget to visit the link mentioned below.

Michelle Pascal Dsouza 
Asst Manager Content Writing
AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
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