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Showing posts with label Covidification Of Aviation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covidification Of Aviation. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Covidification Of Aviation

Covidification Of Aviation 
Capt Shekhar Gupta
And Team

A Major Crisis Situation for Aviation Industry


#Take Charge
#Be Visible Set Direction Strategize
#Priorities & Focus [what, why ,when]
#Build people capability [who, what, how]
#Don’t Try to Micromanage
#Empower Your Team [how]
#Build Trust In Pilots / Passengers 
#Translate it to other Employees, #Customers, Suppliers and Partners
#Organize Resources
#Information flow Material flow Money flow
#Crisis Centre & Crisis Communications
#Plan Proactively [Tactical & Strategic]
Don’t focus all energy on only urgent / today Allocate resources for midterm as well. 

Plans for  

Worst Case Scenario

Most likely Scenario
Best Case Scenario

Webinars....... Webinars......... Webinars  
During this lockdown we have seen thousand of Webinars. 
But now, its a time to say a Big-No to Just having a Webinar 

Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore under the aegis of Dept. of Marketing invites you to join Gyanubhav: Connecting Management Brains a 21-days Development Program , where leading professionals from all over the world will share their experience with us and will encourage brainstorming on all the major subject areas like Strategy , Psychology , Digital Marketing , BFSI , HR , International Business , Entrepreneurship , Start-up Eco-System, Technology and many more... 

So hurry and register yourself through: Join

Timing: Daily 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM except the day of inaugural i.e. 10th July 2020 (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM)

For Further Details, Please Feel Free to Contact

Prof. (Dr.) Ajit Upadhyaya (Coordinator), 
Professor and Head - Marketing

Prof. Prayatna Jain (Co-Coordinator), 
Assitant Professor - Marketing

Supported By

# PIMR Department of Marketing
# Marketing Club: M-Hi
# APR Club: The Publicist

e-Certificate will be provided for the each day participation and an additional  21-days developement program certificate will be provided to those who will attend all  the events

Join us on: (Telegram Channel)   or (Whatsapp Group)