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Showing posts with label Bad Experience with Jet Airways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bad Experience with Jet Airways. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Bad Experience with Jet Airways

Please find the details of the complaint that I am registering on Jet Airways.

To Jet Airways :

Sirs - I have always respected your organisation , but am sorry to say after being a loyal Jet 

Airways traveller - All I faced was extreme trauma and humiliation thanks to your team down the 


I am putting this issue up in Consumer Court as well.

My Details :

JP number - 300623503

I am a Platinum Card member since last 10 years and a and actually am glad I am not travelling 

Jet Airways as much as I used to. 

History of my case and my first worst experience with Jet Airways :

I got a call from IIM Rohtak to represent AeroSoft Corp there, I had enough reward Points in my
Jet Airways Platinum Card so I thought rather than paying cash I would  reedeem my Platinum 

Points for Book my IDR - DEL flt no 9w 7009 for 13 Oct.

On 6 Oct 2012 I called their Jet Airways Help line no 1800 22 55 22 at a 1300 hrs to redeem my points and book a flight, which was my biggest mistake I made with Jet Airways India Ltd. 

They immidiately confirmed me a seat and ask me to send me confirmation SMS and Mail which I didn't received.

On 7 Oct 2012 I again called their Jet Airways Help line no 1800 22 55 22 at a 1330 hrs to  
confirm my flight and PNR ? But I got  same Auto reply

Dear Madam/Sir,

Thank you for writing to us.

Your query is important to us and we are committed to provide a
satisfactory resolution. Our Service Executive will respond within three
working days.
In case your query requires further investigation and takes a longer time,
we will keep you informed on the time required for resolution.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in the interim.

Yours sincerely,
Jet Privilege Service Centre

On 8 Oct 2012 I again called their Jet Airways Help line no 1800 22 55 22 at a 1030 hrs to  
confirm my flight and PNR ? They gave me my PNR now and ask me to visit Airport and collect 
my ticket. 

Dear Capt. Gupta,

We have processed your request for a Cash Upgrade against PNR BUZBIY 

Please collect the ticket prior to 1700HRS,11-OCT-2012. 

You may collect the ticket(s) from any of the Jet Airways Ticketing offices, on production of the  Authority Letter (incase of proxy) and a valid photo ID.

Please note, the Tax amount payable is subject to variations as per the rate of exchange and Government regulations. Any applicable differential Airport Departure Tax will be payable at the respective airport before checking-in for your flight. 

The relevant JPMiles have been debited from your JetPrivilege account 300623503.

Yours sincerely

The JetPrivilege Team

Terms and conditions apply.  Please visit for details. 

Yours sincerely

The JetPrivilege Team

I visited Airport 4 times just to collect a ticket and after long wait on 9 Oct at 1850 they
gave me print out of my ticket. 

After getting my ticket in hand I was thinking that if  Jet Airways can not serve a Pilot how can we expect any Help for a notmal Pax :(

Happy Landings ..........

Capt Shekhar Gupta
AeroSoft Corp
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