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Showing posts with label Are you a Female and a Born Writer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Are you a Female and a Born Writer. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Are you a Female and a Born Writer

Are you a Female and a Born Writer ? 

Are you looking for the best platform to showcase your talent ? Do You wana See your own Book Available on Amazon ? 

Here are we giving your the greatest opportunity ever of writings your Innova and new pieces on different fields that we are going to publish soon compiling all in a book.

The best thing about us is we just want your Dreams of seeing your article published in a book fulfilled and hence need to worry about the grammatical errors,correct English, etc but yes we will definitely check plagiarism and hence please try just to give us 100% fresh and plagarism free write ups. 

You can write on any of the the following topics or Otherwise.


1. Aviation 

2. Mystery Shopping 

3. Health

4. Guide

5. Fiction

6. Motivation

7. Action and Adventure

8. Management [ IIM and MBA Students ] 

9. Journals

10. Self Help

11. Art

12. Fantasy

13. Biographies

14. Drama

15. Cookbooks

16. Science

17. Poetry

18. Think Out of the Box

19. Smart Work 

20. FinTech 

We have made it free ended so that you can create your own topics and write on it.

Although there is no time limit for the time being but we will strictly follow the first come first verify service.

So please try to make them reach us as soon as possible.

For sending your write ups Contact

Cabin Crew Career Guide
Pragati Srivastava [ Air Hostess ]
Capt Shekhar Gupta [Pilot]
Language: English
Cost : USD $100  [ International ] 
Indian INR 699

Pilot’s  Career  Guide
Shekhar Gupta

Pilot’s Career Guide

Nonfiction » Career Guides » Education

Nonfiction » Career Guides » Transportation