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Showing posts with label Anu Thakur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anu Thakur. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Anu Thakur

She believe that there is nothing in this world one can't achieve ..  She is  an ambidextrous not by birth but by choice . 

A sketcher, a painter, a dancer ,a  poet, an interior designer and yes soon to be a manager. Something which fascinates me a lot is advertising and how it affects people (positive). Yes I cook and I cook whatever Is demanded ....


but yes , She  want to be successful in whatever she will be doing for the rest of my life. She find happiness in small things , Her height being one  of the reason. She might not b a good at singing but yes She does sing. A student from commerce background .  Believer of karma. Family reamins very first priority. 

Formal details :
Name: Anu Thakur 
Education: graduated in , currently pursuing MBA from sri balaji society, Pune.
Whats app no : 7397872980
Facebook: anu thakur