“Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.”
“To start something new, you have to leave something behind. There is a fear of the unknown. The first step is to overcome your fear.”
By conquering your fears, you are not only on the path to wisdom, you are on the path to success. In Straight Talk for Success, I point out that Self Confidence is an important key to success.
If you want to become self confident, you need to do three things:
1) Become an optimist
2) Face your fears and acts
3) Surround yourself with positive people.
Fear causes inaction. When I find myself procrastinating, I always ask, “What are you afraid of here” Once I identify my fear, I can accept it and take action. Action cures fears. Inaction and procrastination feed it.
I have found that there are three types of fear that hold me and most people back from achieving success.
- Fear of Failure
- Fear of Criticism
- Fear of Rejection
The common senses point here is simple. Facing your fears and taking action will help build your core level of self confidence. Here are some ideas on how to face your fears. Focus on the big picture, not the potential for small failures – or small successes for that matter. Do something. Follow the principle of kaizen (continuous improvement). Don’t let success go to your head, nor let failure stop you from trying again. Appreciate your small wins; take motivation from them. Learn from your small failures. Use what if it is to develop contingency plans, not to stop you in your tracks. Don’t focus on what other people think. Instead focus on what you can do to make your best contribution. Take a big picture and a long term perspective. Have faith in your ability to succeed long term. Don’t let fear paralyze you. Face your fears. Act. Build you self confidence. Succeed.
I’m a firm believer that if you want to achieve great things in life, you need to set goals. They are a great way to determine a clear direction of where you want to go. I always set myself goals, both in my fitness routine and other areas of my life. This helps me to dream big and keep getting better at everything I do. It also helps with tracking my progress on a regular basis.
Dreams don’t have to only exist when you are sleeping. I see a lot of women who do not truly realize what they are capable of, so they dream small or don’t dream at all. One of the biggest lessons I have learned in the last two years is that anything is truly possible. With hard work, determination and some smart planning, you really are capable of so much more than you think. Don’t ever underestimate what you are capable of. Remember to dream big and aim high. While it’s important to dream big, it can seem overwhelming when we set huge goals. We can be unsure how to get there, resulting in nothing gets done at all. So while you should dream big, it’s important to plan small. Break down your big goals into smaller ones and then tackle them individually. When it’s broken down into achievable phases, it feels more manageable and you are more likely to keep moving ahead.
For e.g; If you want to run a marathon, you would start with a goal of running 10k, rather than just focusing on the entire 26.2 to start. Then ensure you celebrate each milestone along the way. This will help keep you working hard and motivated. It’s really important to surround yourself with people who are like-minded and supportive. Don’t try and do it all alone. Ask your family and friends, or even find yourself a mentor or coach that can support you along the way. The more positive influences you have around when working towards these goals, the better. It’s also a great motivation when you find someone who has already achieved what you want and can help guide you through the process.
Simply wanting something is not enough. Reaching your goals is no one else’s responsibility but your own. Goals written down on a piece of paper are a great idea, but if you don’t go out there and take action, then what’s the point! You must do everything you can to get what you want. If the overall task seems hard, break it down and do something small each day. Taking small steps consistently over time will eventually lead you to reaching your goals. As the saying goes, it may not happen overnight but it will happen, as long as you keep taking action.
Ashkiran MBA
Manager HR
Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
Social media link :- https://instagram.com/a.s. h.k.i.r.a.n?igshid= 12i3ohu5f1j6n
@ Ashkiran MBA Manager HR Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
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