, pub-6370463716499017, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 AlfaBloggers Best Bloggers Team Of Asia : #Aradhika_kapoor- #Creative #Optimistic and# #curious #Amritsar #Chandigarh #University in #MassCommunication and #Journalism
Showing posts with label #Aradhika_kapoor- #Creative #Optimistic and# #curious #Amritsar #Chandigarh #University in #MassCommunication and #Journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Aradhika_kapoor- #Creative #Optimistic and# #curious #Amritsar #Chandigarh #University in #MassCommunication and #Journalism. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Aradhika Kapoor

Aradhika Kapoor- Creative Optimistic and curious girl ,born in city of Amritsar is pursuing her education from Chandigarh University in Mass Communication and Journalism. she has made it a point to strive for hers goals which were nothing less than her grandest dream. One her college dream is to work for a fashion and a travel brand. she loves the idea of going around new places , meeting and interacting with new faces and understand life with new a vision.  As for now she is taking strides in making her imagination become reality.
She is working as a Fashion marketer with a vision to enter into the world of business and hoping to establish herself into it. She has a unique vision towards life , for her travel is the best way to learn and experience life. she has learned greatest lessons of life from her short  travel trips to various places and visits. leisure time is all devoted to novels as they take you to the world away from your boring routine. She is multi-talented and have a pack of skills to provide from photography, management to digital marketing - she has hand full of experience in all. Work is worship and enjoy every work you do is her success mantra. 
Full of dreams and desires she is exploring every inch of her being involving herself in every work that fascinates her and she puts all her heart to it. Believes in karma - what goes around comes around , be grateful to every being and always spread smiles where ever you go that the logic behind her ever smiling face.

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