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Sunday, 6 March 2022

Vaping: A Curse or a Boon by Dr. Suchitra Prasad

Vaping: A Curse or a Boon


Dr. Suchitra Prasad [MDS]

#Vaping vs Smoking

#What does Vaping to your Body?

#Is Vaping worse than Smoking?

#Can your Lungs Heal from Vaping?

#Why is Vaping Unhealthy?

#Does Vaping Bad for your Teeth

#Can your Lungs Heal from Vaping

#How long does nicotine stay in your blood after Vaping

#Vaping is worse than smoking Cigarettes

#Does Vaping cause anxiety

#Does Vaping cause lung cancer

#What does Vaping do to your lungs

#Pros and Cons of Vaping

#Best way to quit Vaping

#Does Vaping make you Lose Weight

#Vaping while Breastfeeding

#Side Effects of Vaping



Tobacco Cessation Specialist 

No Smoking No Vaping



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No Smoking No Vaping


#drsuchitraprasad #nosmokingnovaping #cigarettesmoking #tobaccocessationspecialist #quitcigarettes #nosmoking #oralcancer #lungcancer #quitcigarettes #quittobacco #tobacco #smoking #tobaccosmoking #vaping #cigarette #cigar #nosmoking #novaping #notobacco #lovesmoking #oralcancer #lungcancer #E-cigarettes #tobaccocessation #Quitsmoking #quitvaping #quittobacco #smokinginfo #tobaccoinfo #smokingkills #tobaccokills #motivationfornosmoking #inspirationalquotes Dr. Suchitra Prasad Tobacco Cessation Specialist HEALERS CENTRE UG - 5, SWARN PLAZA, Near Jaypee Greens Greater Noida 

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