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Saturday, 19 February 2022

What Goal Setting Can Give You ? by Nehha S Kotharie

What Goal Setting Can Give You ?

by Nehha S Kotharie

# Be Clear about the reasons for Your Goal

# Roadmap for Your Target 

# Clear View [RoadMap]

# Make you aware about Your Superpower

If you go to work on your Goals, your Goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan , your plan will work on you. Whatever good thing we build ends up building us. Blurred , vague Goals are a major mistake in Goal setting. It’s also a lack of clarity about what you really want from yourself.

All Questions to ask yourself when setting Goals:

  1. What’s the Purpose?

  2. What does a Successful outcome look and feel like?

  3. What would my life look like if I achieved my Goals?

  4. What’s my greatest superpower?

  5. Why is this my Goal ?

  6. What do I ultimately want to achieve?

  7. What’s my ideal job description?

  8. What are my values ?

  9. What drives me?

  10. What do others say about my Goal?

  11. Where do I want to Land?

  12. Is my Goal Smart?

  13. What’s the Big Picture of my Goal?

Think about what you want. Then ask yourself why it is so important for you. Don't think about it too long.

Often we only see our superficial motivation. As a result our actions don't come from our real aspirations.Understand your underlying motivation and then remind yourself of it every day.

This one step - choosing a Goal and sticking to it - changes everything. Setting Goals gives us a roadmap to follow. Setting Goals also helps us to prioritize things. Goal setting allows us to precisely visualize what needs to be done and how to accomplish these Goals.

In a Nut Shell, Goal Setting is just a process of thinking and planning of one's Preferred Future, and Inspiring and Motivating oneself to turn the Dream into a Reality with the aid of a Systematic Game Plan.

Nehha s Kotharie

Soft Skills Trainer, Graphologist, Parenting Coach.


What Goal Setting Can Give You ?

by Nehha S Kotharie 


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Lesson for Business Leaders

Leadership to Build Great Team and Winning Team

Why is it important to set goals in your life and what helps you achieve your goals, What is your perception on goal setting, What is the importance of having a vision and setting goals, What is goal setting, Why do people need goals in their lives, What is an effective goal-setting method and how do you apply it,

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