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Tuesday, 2 June 2020

HRs during CoVid 19 Lockdown on Social Media

HRs during CoVid 19 Lockdown on Social Media
Since the Covid has struck the world people's lifestyle, routine, businesses and economy have fallen out of their place.
Yet the ability of HR to keep intact all the ends has stood out.
Responsible HRs to develop leaders are providing education and coaching.
Ensuring that this activity is planned in a way to benefit employees regarding their job roles and showing empathy to employees.
Since there are no meetings conducting in a room Communicating regularly is important so that employees don't miss out on any information required to complete their task.
Their concern is also related to employee's well being and so they are posting blogs, images and videos which makes the employee aware about the situation.
They are also setting up motivational online sessions for employees
Scope of Social Media – Includes online social networking sites, interactive forums, blogs, chat rooms, podcasts, video aggregation platforms, or other kinds of social media platforms

Using Social media for recruiting is need of the hour for HRs thanks to the technology which  made this process simpler 

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