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Monday, 11 May 2020

How to Dream Big

How to Dream Big
   Dreams are not which you see while sleeping but it is something that does not let you sleep. These thoughts will motivate and boost your energy to result in action. Dreaming big means having the mental freedom to think about what you really want out of life and forget about all the reasons why you cannot make it a reality. It means having high standards for your life and setting the bar high for yourself.
Reasons why you need to dream big:
·         We might use dreaming big to motivate ourselves to see the bigger picture of what we really want in life. We can write our dreams, ideas, and goals down and use that as an inspiration whenever we need that little extra push. We can remind ourselves why we are working so hard to make our dreams come true.
·         We can accomplish anything we set our mind to. The mind is a very powerful tool that will do the impossible if we believe and tell ourselves that we can. Have the strength to overcome fear, take criticism, and even defeat in order to achieve our dreams and always remember that anything is possible.
·         We have to chase our dream as when we are young we will have the stamina and motivation to reach greater heights. Once the years go by, our death is just getting closer and hence, we should live everyday as if every day would be our last.
·         We need to dream big as all dreams are valid and we should be what we want to be and not what others think we should be.
·         We should not be scared or timid to follow our dreams and we should focus on something different everyday to make our life interesting.
·         We should dream big and pursue our dreams because we are not someone in life until we pursue our dreams.
·         Never give up on our dreams no matter how hard it is and do not listen to negative people because they do not have the right to tell us what to do and we have to be ourselves no matter what.
How to dream big?
1. Don’t be afraid to dream big.
We should remember that dreams do not have to only exist when we are sleeping. People from all walks of life do not truly realise what they are capable of, so they dream small or do not dream at all. With hard work, determination and some smart planning, we really are capable of so much more than we think. Do not underestimate what we are capable of and aim high.
2. Dream big but plan small.
While it is important to dream big, it can seem overwhelming when we set huge goals. We can be unsure of how to get there, resulting in nothing getting done at all. So while we should dream big, it is important to plan small. Break down our big goals into smaller ones and then tackle them individually. When it is broken down into achievable phases, it feels more manageable and we are more likely to keep moving ahead.
3. Track your progress.
When working towards a goal, it is important to have regular checks to see how we are progressing. If we are not tracking well, it is time to reassess and see what we can do to keep improving and succeeding. If we are not where we want to be, that is ok too. Sometimes things are not as easy as we expect and it just needs a little more hard work to get ahead.
4. Get the right support.
It is really important to surround ourselves with people who are like-minded and supportive. Do not try and do it all alone and ask our family and friends or even find us a mentor or coach that can support us along the way. The more positive influences we have around when working towards these goals, the better it is. It is also a great motivation when we find someone who has already achieved what we want and can help guide us through the process. Having the right support around us really can make all the difference in getting what we want in life.
5. Get motivated.
When working towards a big goal or dream, it is important to stay motivated every day. Motivation does not always come constantly or easily so we find writing down our reasons and practicing visualizations of how we will feel once we reach our goals are both awesome tools to help with motivation.
6. Take action.
Reaching our goals is no one else’s responsibility but our own. Goals written down on a piece of paper are a great idea, but if we do not go out there and take action, then there is no point. We must do everything we can to get what we want. If the overall task seems hard, break it down and do something small each day. Taking small steps consistently over time will eventually help us to reach our goals. It may not happen overnight but it will happen, as long as we keep taking action.
7. Failures are part of the journey.
If we have big dreams, we need to be prepared for some hardships along the way. Generally, the bigger the dream, the harder it can be to reach. Just because we come across some obstacles or do not reach our goal in the first try, it does not mean we should stop trying. In fact, being knocked down is just part of the journey. Every successful person has failed more than once in his or her life. The important thing is to keep going and keep getting back up. We should learn from your mistakes and know they are just part of the process.
   In a nutshell, dreaming big is good as it helps a person set far-reaching goals and do bold things but it can only work if a person has healthy relationships with failure, tryouts and taking tiny steps. We should not teach anyone just to dream big but we should teach them to dream big while taking small steps. Hence, remember to always believe in ourselves and dream big. We really can achieve anything we want from life but we just need to be prepared to work hard, take action and keep pushing through when things get tough.

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