, pub-6370463716499017, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 AlfaBloggers Best Bloggers Team Of Asia : Priyanka Chugh

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Priyanka Chugh

Priyanka Chugh

Priyanka Chugh is a woman who is still exploring and getting to know herself.She has completed her Bachelors in Commerce (H) and is now looking forward to pursuing an MBA with specialization in Finance. She has always had a passion for sports and has participated in both on-track and off-track events. She loves to read and write, and has been profoundly influenced by the lives and investing styles of Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger whom she considers as her teachers but not role models as she believes that everybody has a unique personality. She is continuously working and striving to build her latticework of mental models, following the path of Charlie Munger who has taught her to gain big models from various fields--Biology, Psychology, Maths, Economics, Chemistry, Physics, History, etc as to a man with a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail. She has been a quiet listener all her life, never a writer but now wants to experience the world of writing and blogging as she believes that one must be contemplative in order to connect with the inner soul. She is looking forward to writing about topics in the field of Philosophy, History, Literature, Business and economy, and Politics.She loves to travel and have an adventurous journey filled with trekking, river rafting, camping, underwater diving. 
She is a morning person and loves the mornings when the day is fresh. She enjoys dawn and its silence and likes taking morning walks all by herself. To her, exercise means freedom and she believes that there is inner peace when she exercises. She mainly does Zumba, Power Yoga, Dance Aerobics, Kick Boxing and Mix Martial Arts. She likes taking care of herself and always takes out time to workout no matter how busy it gets. 

She likes to volunteer for NGOs and work for the society in whichever way she can as that gives her a meaning to life. She looks forward to continuing building her personality and exploring the world, though she does believe that the only thing constant is change. 

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BBA Second Year, Bhavan's

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