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Saturday, 23 December 2017

Kirti Sharma

Kirti Sharma is a little girl with big ideas, who has just seeped up the teenage. She is a literature student who likes to dream and live in the world of dreams. She is attracted to books and writing comes as a compliment to it. She is a reader by day and writer by night. She says that studying literature has made her experiment with different prospects and ideologies in life and has helped her in generating an unbiased approach towards life. 

She is a typical Delhi girl and likes challenges in life. She has been part of many internship programs. She is an avid writer and also writes for blogs and many other websites. Being a Delhite, she also takes a keen interest in flaunting fashion. Fashion, according to her, is about something that comes from you within.

Kirti is inclined a lot towards helping others. She considers that kind gestures can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. Taking this into consideration, she is involved in many NGO activities.
She defines her life as a book, with many blank pages that needs to be filled, with grace and diligence.

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