, pub-6370463716499017, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 AlfaBloggers Best Bloggers Team Of Asia : Shubhi Hasani

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Shubhi Hasani

Shubhi Hasani

Ecstatic in her own way, she is a writer, a poetess, a reader and a blogger. Shubhi Hasani from Lucknow is very passionate about writing well-structured content and wants people around her to know all that she explores on a day to day basis. She comes from a conservative family yet is liberal in her thoughts. Loved and adored by her two sisters and mother she has all the freedom to do what she wants and be what she is.

She wants to discover beautiful places and wants her blog readers to take travelling as a therapy. Being a Lucknowite, she loves writing about newly explored delicacies and fashion traits that are much talked about dignifying her city

 She is enthusiastic about bringing fresh content for her readers which not only entertains them but also makes them feel motivated about life.
A shopaholic, a workaholic and a  fun person to be around she knows how to captivate you enough through her writings and bold attitude. “Do not sit at home, go out and explore “, is her sole agenda and she absolutely lives by it.

A traveller at heart, she is full of enthusiasm to bring you with some amazing travel places through her blogs and Vlogs. Being an undergraduate, she has all the energy required to gather unique pieces of information about travelling and life.  Shubhi loves adventure sports and tries to acquaint her readers about it through her regular blogs.


This foodie chirp is a science student but finds out time off her routine to pursue her interests and benefit people around of her blogging talents. She can chirp around you for hours and make you believe that travelling is so much more than just travelling.


A believer of the fact “it’s all in the head”, this budding blogger is all set to work upon her novel and let her readers be more acquainted with her.
    Her writings can revive your optimism and            can work wonders for you !
With all the inputs and directed efforts, we feel she has a long way to go!

Shubhi Hasani

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