, pub-6370463716499017, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 AlfaBloggers Best Bloggers Team Of Asia : Thanks

Thursday, 6 March 2014


Date: Mar 6, 2014
From: Dan Bertasi (toursbylocals staff)
Regarding: Howard Duhon
Message:  Hey Shekhar,

Hey Shekhar,

Just wanted to share with you an email Howard sent us... congratulations... you caused a very good impression on him!


Yesterday I had the most wonderful tour of Bhopal with Captain Shekhar.

As you may remember my scheduled flight to Bhopal last week was cancelled due to weather and I missed the originally scheduled date. Fortunately I'm still in India and Captain Shekhar and I found a mutually available date yesterday.

In addition to my appreciation to Captain Shekhar for his flexibility I also want to note that he did a spectacular job. I had a particular political interest in going to Bhopal, things that no tour guide would be expected to know much about. But Captain Shekhar did some homework and used his local connections to obtain access to sites that are generally off limits to tourists. And the touristy part of the tour was also excellent as Shekhar clearly knows the area very well. Given my side interests we did not have time to see all the tourist sites he normally covers. He provided a succinct summary of what was available to see and made it easy to choose an itinerary we had time for. And he pretty much convinced me that I'll need to go back to Bhopal later to see what I missed.

And as a final bonus, though I am already pretty familiar with India food, Shekhar introduced me to local dishes that I was not familiar with (after making me swear multiple times that my stomach could take it).

Perfect tour!

Thanks for your help in putting us together. I hope your other tour guides are this good, because I'll be using Tours by Locals for other trips.


Howard Duhon
Systems Engineering Manager"

Thank you very much for your hard work!

Best regards,

Dan Bertasi
Customer Service Support
Vancouver, Canada

Phone: +1.604.777.4141 Ext. 72
Toll-free: 1.866.844.6783 (North America)
Skype: danb-toursbylocals

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