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Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Capt Gulab Singh

I was never sure why my friends always called me Mr. Lucky,

I use to wonder we all go to same school,

Studies with the same teacher and do the homework but cause of my rich family background I was envied by most.

They use to comment -that I have all the property of my father, I am secure and I don't have to work hard and struggle like the way they will have too.

I will get it all from my father. They will be the one struggling.

Anyway that was their point of view. What none realised is the responsibility I hold in my shoulders, and they will get a chance to begin from the scratch, they can learn step by step and also can afford to make mistake and correct, but for me, being the son from the royal family, everyone's expectation was way higher. Nobody considered even once that I can be anything less than my father and  I too can have my own dreams to chase.

But I learned early in my life, that not only my family but rather our entire town expected me to be well and handle my father business as everyone in my  family has done that and indeed did it very well.

So I obeyed the destiny and came up with my father after finishing studies. As per our tradition I was married at early age.
I kept on following my duties and went on working hard day and night, considering this as my sole aim in life.

At age of 32, I was successful; I loved my family business and was attached very much with everything my family owned,
Yet I was somewhere not happy, as I should, I was proud of everything we own but still I felt an emptiness somewhere inside.

Finally I took courage and shared idea with my wife about my greatest dream of childhood, which was lost somewhere in growing .I, told her that-“I always aspire to become a pilot one day. But looking at the need of mine in business with Baba I kept the dream hidden inside.
Always thought it’s not the right time. First I will finish up my duties and then live for myself.

But I think now life is uncertain, if I will keep waiting for the right time I might never fulfil my dream,
So thought of seizing the moment and do it now.” 
She encouraged the idea, and said me to proceed with it. I was greatly touched by her response because I have thought of sharing this idea with my father, with my
mother and even with her so many times but was never able too. What she said in response is something I can never forget.

She said-"Why not! Of course you should go for it. You have achieved so much in life and you took your family business so high and have been a wonderful partner, I would like you to live for yourself too. Pursuing your hobby won't take your business down; rather the happiness and energy it will generate in you will take your business to greater heights. We are most productive, when we are happy and involve in activity we love. I will support you."
So that day I took the decision to go for achieving Commercial Pilot License.

With our family business of Heritage hotels , it was not that easy to go and get trained.
I searched the nearest flying club and got enrolled in Rajasthan flying club for my training.
But time was hard  on me. When my flying started , club got closed.
I also tried in Karnal and Delhi flying club, but they all also got shut. It was frustrating, but I wanted to complete my training. Finally I came to Madhya Pradesh flying club. Where I got my Commercial Training  done. After receiving my CPL I went to USA for my multi training.
Flying the planes really gave a new meaning to my life. I became more energetic and enthuastic. Flying became such an essential part of me that now I always wanted to be around planes.

I somehow managed to be an RT officer in my city airport along with handling our business.
I was in seventh cloud the day I got selected as co-pilot in Air India. I felt as king of the world , with the power to fly the greatest machine which I always wanted too. But I felt to reality soon, when I realised my dreams will be unacceptable to the family and business we own. I won’t be able to work from my city. I was sad. But then I thought getting a CPL is itself a big victory in my life. I can anytime go to the flying club and fly. After that I gave myself completely to my business. Expanding the chain, organising them, conducting events , and publishing to attract the tourist. Life went on around hotels and time went on like slipping sand from hand.       

Our hotels soon became centre of attraction for tourist from country and abroad, as a result of my policy and offers. We were focusing most on services, we started with our hotels taxi and while getting the people from  airport or railway station ,our man in taxi would ask about all liking and disliking of the person and family ,then message by phone to staff regarding,so we could choose room and decorate as per choice,focusing on favourite flowers,colours .
After that food was the next priority, I use to call certain house makers female, who were expert in local food, pay them well and they too would happily join where they can earn too without giving many hours. This ladies were specialised in cooking, no cook could beat them ,my customers from outside loved it.

I was enjoying my business, everyday was different like landing an aircraft, you could never judge until you do it, coming with new challenges all the time,call it bumpy or smooth. All I knew was to keep my throttle full, keep giving my best. Whenever I felt low I use to relate my situation with a flight and how we manage there without delay taking situation in full control. You have to take some action in flight,that’s the best and even worst part of flying.

“So in life”,I thought.

I wanted to attract even VIP’s to stay in my hotel.
Once we were contacted by “Cruise by local” from Canada.
They wanted to book rooms, and will be shooting in all over Rajasthan showing all the places in the states and highlighting  the cultural history.
And it will be broadcasted all over the world!!
I and my entire team was overjoyed.  This is what we called VVVIP.
As they landed in Jaipur airport ,we had our team to receive them.
They were team of six people.

They were generally out busy for shooting and did appreciated our service.
I came with my entire family on the day decided for shooting our hotel.
All my staffs were dressed in their best without even me instructing so.
Everyone want to come in T.V,i thought.
We were having good publicity,thanks to them.
They were white as milk,spotkess skin, both males and females were equally admirable. Not everyone present there could catch up with their accent.
My people were providing them with the best facilities.
They wanted to go to Jag Mandir palace in Udaipur.

But there booked morning flight got cancelled due technical issues.

It was there second last day in country and they badly needed to go,

As there arrangement in Udaipur was already done and their entire planning for visiting places on scheduled would be effected.

I wanted to help them, I called an helicopter company which denied.

I told them its an issue for the image of country but he ignored.

I was calling everywhere I can as I have assured them to help.

But to no avail, even tried with flying club for Cessna but same answer.

It was frustrating to see a foreign soul disappointed with my countries management.

We managed a jeep for the team which would take 6 hrs, but that was the only choice. They left but I could see everyone upset.

I wanted to take an action, immediate action.

I went home in early hours itself  and slept with the thought that I will resolve these situation.

When I got up it was dinner time.

I went to dining and was glowing like tower..of course I mean ATC beacons.

My wife asked –“what is the matter with you ,you came like so dull and are now beaming with energy”.

I have decided;I said.

What have you decided-she asked looking confused.

I will get my own helicopters.


Remaining part please read in book coming soon 

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Capt. Ankisha Blog

Capt. Shekhar Blog

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